Get Recent Documents

API allows taxpayer systems to query latest documents sent or received that are available on the eInvoicing solution.

Reject Document Search Documents


Important Note! This API has a newer replacement Search Documents API with better performance, various filter options, and no restrictions on the returned records count. Current "Get Recent Documents" API will be subject to more limits in terms of maximum number of records returned and throttling limits in the near feature. Our recommendation is to upgrade your integration from "Get Recent Documents" API to Search Documents API.

Get recent documents allows users to query the system and return list of documents that have been recently received or issued to that they can be reviewed, downloaded (through a separate call to Get Document Printout API for example).

System limits the number of the documents that can be received in one request by implementing paging mechanism for this API and also by not allowing to request documents that are issued more than configured days ago. To export older documents, use Request Document Package API.

List is ordered based on registration date of the submission descending.


API is REST based API that takes optional URL parameters to enable paging.

Signature: GET /api/v1.0/documents/recent?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize}&submissionDateFrom={submissionDateFrom}&submissionDateTo={submissionDateTo}&issueDateFrom={issueDateFrom}&issueDateTo={IssueDateTo}&direction={direction}&status={status}&documentType={documentType}&receiverType={receiverType}&receiverId={receiverId}&issuerType={issuerType}&issuerId={issuerId}


This API accepts standard eInvoicing API header parameters for authenticated call.

URL parameters accepted:

URL parameter Type Description Value example
pageNo Number Optional: number of the page to retrieve. Typically this parameter value is derived from initial parameter less call when caller learns total amount of page of certain size 3
pageSize Number Optional: number of the documents to retrieve per page. Page size cannot exceed system configured maximum page size for this API 20
submissionDateFrom DateTime Optional: The start date and time when the document was submitted to the eInvoicing API, Time to be supplied in UTC timezone. Mandatory when ‘submissionDateTo’ is provided 2022-11-25T01:59:10
submissionDateTo DateTime Optional: The end date and time when the document was submitted to the eInvoicing API, Time to be supplied in UTC timezone. Mandatory when ‘submissionDateFrom’ is provided 2022-12-22T23:59:59
issueDateFrom DateTime Optional: The start date and time when the document was issued. Mandatory when ‘issueDateTo’ is provided 2021-02-25T23:55:10
issueDateTo DateTime Optional: The end date and time when the document was issued. Mandatory when ‘issueDateFrom’ is provided 2021-03-10T01:59:10
direction Text Optional: direction of the document. Possible values: (‘Sent’, ‘Received’) Sent
status Text Optional: status of the document. Possible values: (‘Valid’, ‘Invalid’, ‘Rejected’, ‘Cancelled’, ‘Submitted’) Valid
documentType Text Optional: Unique name of the document type. Possible values: ‘i’ [invoice], ‘c’ [credit note], ‘d’ [debit note], ‘ii’ [import invoice], ‘ei’ [export invoice], ‘ec’ [export credit note], ‘ed’ [export debit note] i
receiverType Text Optional: Document recipient type. Only can be used when ‘Direction’ filter is set to Sent. Possible values: (‘B’ [Business], ‘F’ [Foreigner], ‘P’ [Person]) F
receiverId Text Optional: Document recipient identifier. Only can be used when ‘Direction’ filter is set to Sent. Possible values: (Business registration number, Passport Number, National ID, Foreign company registration ID) 327389457
issuerType Text Optional: Document issuer type. Only can be used when ‘Direction’ filter is set to Received. Possible values: (‘B’ [Business], ‘F’ [Foreigner]) B
issuerId Text Optional: Document issuer identifier. Only can be used when ‘Direction’ filter is set to Received. Possible values: (Business registration number, Foreign company registration ID) 827388957


Successful Response

API returns HTTP status code 200.

The resulting structure is part of a single object containing result structure and metadata structure.

Output parameter Type Description Value example
result Document Summary[] Array of document summary objects See structure
metadata Metadata Information about the results retrieved or results matching the query See structure

Document Summary

Output parameter Type Description Value example
uuid String Unique document ID in eInvoicing 42S512YACQBRSRHYKBXBTGQG22
submissionUUID String Unique ID of the submission tht document was part of XYE60M8ENDWA7V9TKBXBTGQG10
longId String Unique long temporary Id that can be used to query document data anonymously YQH73576FY9VR57B…
publicUrl String Public URL which can be used to access document anonymously. Note: sharing this URL will grant read access to the document. https://{baseUrl}/{uuid}/share/{longId}
internalId String Internal ID used in submission for the document PZ-234-A
typeName String Unique name of the document type that can be used in submission of the documents. Possible values: ‘i’ [invoice], ‘c’ [credit note], ‘d’ [debit note], ‘ii’ [import invoice], ‘ei’ [export invoice], ‘ec’ [export credit note], ‘ed’ [export debit note] i
typeVersionName String Name of the document type version within the document type that can be used in document submission to identify document type version being submitted 1.0
issuerId String Registration number of issuer 927398557
issuerName String Issuer company name My company
issuerType String Document issuer type (‘B’ [Business], ‘F’ [Foreigner]) B
receiverId String Optional: receiver registration number (can be national ID or foreigner ID). 087377381
receiverName String Optional: receiver name (can be company name or person’s name) Their company
receiverType String Document receiver type (‘B’ [Business], ‘F’ [Foreigner], ‘P’ [Person]) B
dateTimeIssued DateTime The date and time when the document was issued. 2015-02-13T13:15Z
dateTimeReceived DateTime The date and time when the document was submitted. 2015-02-13T14:20Z
totalSales Decimal Total sales amount of the document in EGP. 10.10
totalDiscount Decimal Total discount amount of the document in EGP. 50.00
netAmount Decimal Total net amount of the document in EGP. 100.70
total Decimal Total amount of the document in EGP. 124.09
status String Status of the document - “Submitted”, “Valid”, “Invalid”, “Rejected”, “Cancelled” Valid
cancelRequestDate Date Refer to the document cancellation request that has been initiated by the taxpayer “issuer” of the document on the system, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
rejectRequestDate Date Refer to the document rejection request that has been initiated by the taxpayer “receiver” of the document on the system, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
cancelRequestDelayedDate Date Refer to the date when this document will be marked as cancelled if the receiver taxpayer didn’t decline the cancellation reuest that was raised by issuer taxpayer, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
rejectRequestDelayedDate Date Refer to the date when this document will be marked as rejected if the issuer taxpayer didn’t decline the rejection request that was raised by receiver taxpayer, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
declineCancelRequestDate Date Refer to the decline cancellation request that has been initiated by the receiver taxpayer on the system, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
declineRejectRequestDate Date Refer to the decline rejection request that has been initiated by the issuer taxpayer of the document on the system, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
documentStatusReason String Optional: Reason of the cancellation or rejection of the document. Wrong invoice details
createdByUserId String User created the document. Can be ERP ID or User Email
freezeStatus Freeze Status Information about the Freeze status of the document See structure
lateSubmissionRequestNumber String Optional: Late submission request identifier. Used to identify which late request no. used when submitting the document. 927398557-23-1585

Freeze Status

Output parameter Type Description Value example
frozen Boolean Flag to indicate if the document is frozen false
type Number Indicates the current freeze type on the document after performing the Unfreeze operation (0/null:Unfreezed, 1:Temporary Freeze, 2:Permanent) 1
scope Number Indicates the current freeze scope on the document (0/null:not-set, 1:Full, 2:Cancellation) 1
actionDate Date Refer to the date when the last Freeze or Unfreeze action took place, will be in UTC format 2021-02-25T01:59:10.2095172Z
auCode string Accounting Unit Code 13300101
auName string Accounting Unit Name Supreme Council for Media Regulation


Output parameter Type Description Value example
totalPages Number Total count of pages based on the supplied (or default) page size 23
totalCount Number Total count of matching objects 157
queryContainsCompleteResultSet Boolean Flag indicates if the provided filters for the query return more records than the maximum number of documents that can be returned. When ‘false’ caller might need to use more targeted filters to get complete result set. false
remainingRecordsCount Number Remaining number of records which exceeds the maximum number of documents that can be returned. When ‘0’ provided filters for the query return all results. 1500

Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

Additional specialized error messages can be returned as a result of validation of documents:

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
403 forbidden Returned when caller of the endpoint is trying to query recent documents while caller profile has ‘B2B Deny ERP Document Retrieval’ tag assigned to it by ETA Admin.

Additional considerations

API is limited to retrieve only certain maximum number of documents and to query only certain “time window” of the documents to prevent huge queries to be executed. These maximum parameters are defined by eInvoicing system administrators.

Time window is a configurable parameter configured by ETA. Current configuration is 30 days.

The maximum number of documents that can be returned by this endpoint is 10,000 documents. You can use the various optional filters to get the desired documents results.

For data extraction there is another asynchronous API available that allows document packages to be prepared for extraction.

Receiver of the documents can retrieve documents that are in statuses Valid, Rejected or Cancelled. If document exists, and is issued to given receiver, but status is Submitted or Invalid, document will not be part of the response. Issuer of the documents can retrieve documents in any status.