Get Recent Receipts

API allows taxpayer systems to query latest receipts sent or received that are available on the eInvoicing & eReceipt solution.

Search Receipts ERP - Receive Receipt Notifications

# Overview

Get recent documents allows users to query the system and return list of receipts that have been recently received or issued to that they can be reviewed.

System limits the number of the documents that can be received in one request by implementing paging mechanism for this API .

# Signature

API is REST based API that takes optional URL parameters to enable paging.

Signature: GET /api/v1/receipts/recent?Uuid={Uuid}&SubmissionUuid={SubmissionUuid}&ReceiptNumber={ReceiptNumber}&DocumentTypeCode={DocumentTypeCode}&DocumentTypeVersion={DocumentTypeVersion}&ReceiverName={ReceiverName}&ReceiverRegisterationNumber={ReceiverRegisterationNumber}&PosSerialNumber={PosSerialNumber}&PaymentMethod={PaymentMethod}&SubmissionChannel={SubmissionChannel}&Status={Status}&Direction={Direction}&SortBy={SortBy}&SortDir={SortDir}&PageNo={PageNo}&PageSize={PageSize}

# Inputs

This API accepts standard eInvoicing & eReceipt API header parameters for authenticated call.

URL parameter Type Description Value example
Uuid UUID Unique identifier of the receipt 68e656b251e67e835…
SubmissionUuid String (30) Unique identifier of the submission 68e656b251e67e835…
ReceiptNumber String (50) Receipt Number 98e656b251
DocumentTypeCode String (20) Unique code of the document type that can be used in submission of the documents. s (for receipt), r (for return receipt)
DocumentTypeVersion String (100) Version of Document Type 1.0
ReceiverName String (200) Name of the receiver ABC
ReceiverRegisterationNumber String (30) RIN of the receiver, this filter is only applicable if buyer type is B 087377381
DeviceSerialNumber String (100) Serial Number of POS YV200T568
PaymentMethod String (50) Payment Method Codes C
submissionChannel String, Submission Channels The channel through which receipt submission was made. POS
Status String (250) Status of the receipt - valid, cancelled valid
Direction String Represents whether the receipt is received or submitted Received
SortBy String Parameter value by which the results should be sorted None, DateTimeIssued, DateTimeReceived
SortDir String Direction in which the results should be sorted None, Asc, Desc
PageNo Integer Page no for which the results are required 1
PageSize Integer Number of records per page 10

# Outputs

# Successful Response

API returns HTTP status code 200.

The resulting structure is a single object containing the attributes as defined in the table:

Output parameter Type Description Value example
receipts Document Summary[] List of the retrieved batch documents in current page. See structure.
metadata Metadata Information on object count. See structure.

# Document Summary

Output parameter Type Description Value example
submissionUuid String (30) Unique document submission ID in eInvoicing 68e656b251e67e835…
uuid UUID Mandatory, SHA256 format 68e656b251e67e835…
referenceUuid UUID This field is present only for return receipt as it represents reference UUID of sales receipt 68e656b251e67e835…
direction String Represents whether the receipt is received or submitted none, all, received, submitted
receiptNumber String (50) Receipt Number 98e656b251
dateTimeIssued DateTime The date and time when the submission was issued by eInvoicing & eReceipts. 2015-02-13T14:20Z
dateTimeReceived DateTime The date and time when the submission was received by eInvoicing & eReceipts. 2015-02-13T14:20Z
totalAmount Decimal totalAmount = sum of all receipt line total – total extraDiscountAmount 1000.00
posSerialNumber String (100) Serial Number of POS YV200T568
paymentMethod String (50) Payment Method Codes C
submitterName String (250) Name of Submitter Device1
submissionChannel String, Submission Channels The channel through which receipt submission was made. POS
status String (250) Status of the document - valid, cancelled valid
issuerId String (30) Registration number of issuer 927398557
issuerName String (200) Name of issuer abc
receiverId String (30) Registration number of receiver 927398557
receiverName String (200) Name of receiver abc
typeName String (100) Type name Sale Receipt
documentTypeNamePrimaryLanguage String (250) Name of Document in Primary Language Receipt
documentTypeNameSecondaryLanguage String (250) Name of Document in Secondary Language  
typeVersionName String (100) Name of the receipt type version 1.0
currency String (3) Currency code EGP
currencyNamePrimaryLang String (250) Name of currency in Primary Language Egyptian Pound
currencyNameSecondaryLang String (250) Name of currency in Secondary Language  
exchangeRate Decimal Represents value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another. 0.93

# Metadata

Output parameter Type Description Value example
totalPages Number Total count of pages based on the supplied (or default) page size 23
totalCount Number Total count of matching objects 157
firstReceiptDateTimeReceived DateTime The date and time of first receipt received by eInvoicing & eReceipts. 2015-02-13T14:20Z
lastReceiptDateTimeReceived DateTime The date and time of last receipt received by eInvoicing & eReceipts. 2015-02-13T14:20Z
maxRecordCount Number Max count of records 157
showReceiptsReceivedSinceMonthCount Number Count of receipts received in 1 month 157

# Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

No custom error codes are provided by this API.

# Additional considerations

Maximum page size allowed is defined by eInvoicing & eReceipt system administrators. API is available to issuers that are querying their submissions. This also includes authorized intermediaries (service providers) who submitted the receipts on behalf of the taxpayer they represent.

Receipts can be retrieved for fixed duration. Default period is 1 month which is configurable

The maximum number of receipts that can be returned by this API is 3,000 (configurable)

For more details please check Receipt Issuance FAQ.