Get Document

API allows taxpayers to retrieve document source XML or JSON with additional tax authority added metadata.

Get Document Package Get Submission


API allows caller to get full details of the document when requested by unique ID assigned to document by eInvoicing solution.

Details include original XML or JSON submission and additional ID and validation details, current status added by the tax authority. Because document is submitted in XML or JSON, this API returns document information also in either JSON or XML.


API is REST based API that takes unique ID of the document as URL parameter and returns document details that were received from the issuer and additional details added after registration and validation of the document in the tax authority.

Signature: GET /api/v1.0/documents/{uuid}/raw


This API accepts standard eInvoicing API header parameters for authenticated call. But the content type parameter can define the expected output format - JSON or XML.

URL parameter Type Description Value example
uuid String Unique ID of the document to retrieve. F9D425P6DS7D8IU


Successful Response

API returns HTTP status code 200.

The resulting structure is a single object of type DocumentExtended.

Document Extended contains:

Output parameter Type Description Value example
uuid String Unique document ID in eInvoicing F9D425P6DS7D8IU
submissionUUID String Unique ID of the submission tht document was part of JU7GH07JNA23N
longId String Unique long temporary Id that can be used to query document data anonymously LIJAF97HJJKH 8298KHADH0990 8570FDKK9S2LSIU HB377373
internalId String Internal ID used in submission for the document PZ-234-A
typeName String Unique name of the document type that can be used in submission of the documents. ‘i’ [invoice], ‘c’ [credit note], ‘d’ [debit note], ‘ii’ [import invoice], ‘ei’ [export invoice], ‘ec’ [export credit note], ‘ed’ [export debit note]
typeVersionName String Name of the document type version within the document type that can be used in document submission to identify document type version being submitted 1.0
issuerId String Registration number of issuer 927398557
issuerName String Issuer company name My company
receiverId String Optional: receiver registration number (can be national ID or foreigner ID). 087377381
receiverName String Optional: receiver name (can be company name or person’s name) Their company
dateTimeIssued DateTime The date and time when the document was issued. 2015-02-13T13:15Z
dateTimeReceived DateTime The date and time when the document was submitted. 2015-02-13T14:20Z
totalSales Decimal Total sales amount of the document in EGP. 10.10
totalDiscount Decimal Total discount amount of the document in EGP. 50.00
netAmount Decimal Total net amount of the document in EGP. 100.70
total Decimal Total amount of the document in EGP. 124.09
status String Status of the document - submitted, valid, invalid, rejected, cancelled valid
lateSubmissionRequestNumber String Optional: Late submission request identifier. Used to identify which late request no. used when submitting the document. 927398557-23-1585
document Document Document object depending on the type See structure of all documents in type Document page.
transformationStatus String Flag defining if the document has been transformed from XML to JSON or the other way depending on what was requested and what was the original format. Values: original, transformed. Note that transformed documents will have signature invalid due to format change. original
validationResults Document Validation Results Object structure containing full validation results of the document See structure.
additionalMetadata Additional Metadata[] Array about the metadata objects associated with the document See structure

Document Validation Results

Output parameter Type Description Value example
status String Validation status. Values: In progress, Valid, Invalid Valid
validationSteps Validation Step Result[] Validation results for each of the validation steps that has been scheduled. See structure.

Validation Step Result

Output parameter Type Description Value example
name String Validation name from definition of all system validations. GS1 code validator
status String Validation status. Values: In progress, Valid, Invalid Valid
error Error Optional: validation error structure containing one or more errors if status is Invalid See structure.

Additional Metadata

Output parameter Type Description Value example
fieldName String Metadata field name. Should be one of the defined field names. Possible values (‘CustomsDeclarationDate’, ‘CustomsDeclarationID’, ‘PaymentNo’, ‘ExportPort’) PaymentNo
fieldValue String Metadata field value 12-55-889
fieldType String Metadata field type. Possible values (‘Text’, Boolean, ‘DateTime’, ‘Number’) String
fieldNameDescEn String Metadata field name description in English. Payment Number
fieldNameDescAr String Metadata field name description in Arabic. الرقم الالكتروني

Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

Additional specialized error messages can be returned:

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
403 Forbidden Returned when caller of the endpoint is trying to download raw document while caller profile has ‘B2B Deny ERP Document Retrieval’ tag assigned to it by ETA Admin.

Additional considerations

To get the ID used to call this API, taxpayer system can first call API returning list of recent documents.

Receiver of the documents can retrieve documents that are in statuses Valid, Rejected or Cancelled. If document exists, and is issued to given receiver, but status is submitted or invalid, not found code is returned.

Issuer of the documents can retrieve documents in any status.