Decline Document Cancellation

API allows taxpayers "recipient" to decline document that was previously cancelled by other taxpayer "issuer".

Get Document Details Decline Rejection


Decline cancellation is a way of taxpayer “recipient” to object the cancellation that is done by the taxpayer “issuer” of the document. Ideally when cancellation is done by the taxpayer “issuer” of the document and taxpayer “receiver” of the document is notified, then receiver of the document can do one of two things: - do nothing and this means he is accepting the cancellation of the document, in this case document state will remain as cancelled - Decline the cancellation of the document, in this case document state will be marked as valid.

Decline cancellation can be done only once on a specific document and executed only within limited time period since cancellation of the document on the eInvoicing system. after This time limit is specific to document type and is returned by calling Get Document Type API and checking workflow parameters.

Deline cancellation period is configurable value, that is controlled by ETA & this is configured according to the law, please refer to the law for more information.

If decline cancellation time has passed, taxpayers will not be able to decline cancellation anymore, and the document will be marked as cancelled on the system.


API is REST based API that receives the document ID through the URL parameter and state to be changed in request body.

Signature: PUT /api/v1.0/documents/state/{uuid}/decline/cancelation

Note! when you are logged in as intermediary, permissions that are granted by the taxpayer will be applied on your profile and this will control the functionalities that you'll be able to executed on behalf of the taxpayer you are representing.


This API accepts standard eInvoicing API header parameters for authenticated call.

URL parameter Type Description Value example
uuid String Unique ID of existing document F9D425P6DS7D8IU


Successful Response

On a successful submission API returns 200 status code.

Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

Additional specialized error messages can be returned as a result of validation of state of the document and caller:

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
400 OperationPeriodOver Returned when user is trying to decline cancelled document when the limit of decline the cancellation has already run out.
400 IncorrectState Returned when caller is trying to decline the cancelled document that might already be rejected or invalid. State transition in this case is not allowed.
403 Forbidden Returned when valid taxpayer system is trying to perform operation on a document not issued by them.
403 Forbidden Returned when caller of the endpoint is trying to perform operation on a document while caller profile has ‘B2B Deny ERP Cancellation/Rejection’ tag assigned to it by ETA Admin.

Additional considerations

No additional considerations.