Docker Container Config

Toolkit docker container configuration & administration can be performed with the following guide, here described how to config integration toolkit locally as a docker image.

Docker Container Install Docker Container Usage


Toolkit container configuration section will helps to understand about containerization as well Rancher desktop / Docker desktop for running toolkit image from local machine to perform offline/online tests.
Toolkit docker container should be in a running state to access toolkit docker container. To run the toolkit docker container, developer can use docker compose / docker run commands to perform their tests.
Toolkit will only support single point of sale integration not for the multiple point of sale integrations.

Developer will have below 3 options to run the docker image from local machine:

Option 1: Configure docker compose to run the toolkit image from docker hub
Option 2: Configure docker compose to run the toolkit image from tar file
Option 3: Using docker run command and run it from local

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.
Download docker compose containing definition of docker image, ports, environment and so on.

Sample Preprod configuration url’s filled here.
Click here to know more about other environment’s and their configuration url’s.
PosSerialNumber - This config value to be filled with your POS Serial number value and it should be the equal value in all the configurations.
LatestImageTag - This config value to be filled with toolkit image tag.

Note! • Port 8020 is the default port value to run your docker container API, if you need to configure another POS device then you need to configure another port and run docker container. For that you need to create a another toolkit folder and keep a copy of the docker compose yml file. In that docker compose yml file, you need to change the __PosSerialNumber__ and port number for ex: 8030 (or) 8040 etc., then it will work.
• In the below docker-compose.yml content, __LatestImageTag__ & __PosSerialNumber__ are the place holders. Those values are need to be changed with your actual values to setup your POS device.

Here is the Toolkit Docker compose yml.

version: '3.4'
 image: egyptiantaxauthority/integrationtoolkit.api:__LatestImageTag__
 - "8020:80"
 restart: always
  - DBHOST=sqlite3
  - ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80;
  - ToolkitConfig__LocalConnectionsString=Data Source=/_data/LocalReceipts.db;
  - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__IdentityServiceUrl=
  - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__InvoicingServiceBaseUrl=
  - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__InvoicingServiceVersion=1
  - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__PosSerial="__PosSerialNumber__"
  - type: volume
   source: user_data
   target: /_data

Configure docker compose to run the toolkit image from docker hub

Navigate to the docker hub url to search for egyptiantax repo, you can find egyptiantaxauthority/integrationtoolkit.api image.

docker hub

Tags tab will be helpful to search for a specific newly uploaded tag versioned images

docker hub tag

Pick the desired toolkit docker image and copy the complete image name along with the tag id.

docker hub tag image

Here is the example usecase docker image name along with the tag id egyptiantaxauthority/integrationtoolkit.api:27835, You can observe more details of the docker image here.

Here toolkit docker image name - egyptiantaxauthority/integrationtoolkit.api
tag id - 27835

docker hub tag image det

Here are the steps to modify docker compose to run the toolkit from docker hub.
Step 1:
Open the docker compose file
Step 2:
Replace the docker image tag id with the newly uploaded image tag id.

docker image version id

Step 3:
Finally cross check the docker compose file key content like port, environment, toolkit config to make sure.
Step 4:
Make sure Rancher desktop is running, open the windows powershell from the IntegrationToolkit folder path and execute the following command

docker-compose up

Step 5:
Navigate to the below local path.


Note! • Above Step 4 command and Step 5 url should run if docker container is not up and running.

Configure docker compose to run the toolkit image from tar file

Step 1:
Download the toolkit tar file.
Step 2:
Create a folder with the name IntegrationToolkit in your desired location and open the windows powershell from the IntegrationToolkit folder path.
Step 3:
Run the below command from windows powershell, it will load the image from tar file.

docker load --input .\integrationtoolkit.api.image.tar

Step 4:
Open the docker compose file, make sure docker-compose.yml file also downloaded and available inside IntegrationToolkit folder.
Step 5:
Replace the docker image value with the tar file image name.

docker image version id

Step 6:
Finally cross check the docker compose file key content like port, environment, toolkit config to make sure.
Step 7:
Make sure Docker desktop is running then open the windows powershell from the IntegrationToolkit folder path and execute the following command

docker-compose up

Step 8:
Navigate to the below local path.


Note! • Above Step 7 command and Step 8 url should run if docker container is not up and running.
• Docker compose will be the preferable option to run toolkit image from local.
• Docker image can run using docker-compose or docker run commands. In both cases output will be same.

Using docker run command and run it from local

Docker runs processes in isolated containers. A container is a process which runs on a host. The host may be local or remote. When an operator executes docker run, the container process that runs is isolated in that it has its own file system, its own networking, and its own isolated process tree separate from the host.
Docker image also can run using docker run command
Step 1:
Download the toolkit tar file.
Step 2:
Create a folder with the name IntegrationToolkit in your desired location and open the windows powershell from the IntegrationToolkit folder path.
Step 3:
Run the below command from windows powershell, it will load the image from tar file.

docker load --input .\integrationtoolkit.api.image.tar

Step 4:
Make sure Docker desktop is running then open the windows powershell from the IntegrationToolkit folder path and execute the following command
Step 5:
Sample Preprod configuration url’s filled here.
Click here to know more about other environment’s and their configuration url’s.
PosSerialNumber - This config value to be filled with your POS Serial number value and it should be the equal value in all the configurations.
LatestImageTag - This config value to be filled with toolkit image tag.

docker run --rm -it -p 8020:80 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+" -e ToolkitConfig__LocalConnectionsString="Data Source=/_data/LocalReceipts.db;" -e ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__IdentityServiceUrl= -e ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__InvoicingServiceBaseUrl= -e ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__InvoicingServiceVersion=1 -e ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__PosSerial=__PosSerialNumber__ -v user_data:/_data integrationtoolkit.api:__LatestImageTag__

Configure dev SSL Certificate to run under https

If you want to run the docker url under https, you need to generate ssl certificate and configure it in local machine(in the current folder for ex: inside IntegrationToolkit folder):
Click here to know more about configuring certicate locally.
Step 1:

dotnet dev-certs https -ep aspnetapp.pfx -p mypassword123

Note! • To run the above dotnet command, it requires dotnet SDK installed in the machine.

Step 2:
Sample Preprod configuration url’s filled here.
Click here to know more about other environment’s and their configuration url’s.
PosSerialNumber - This config value to be filled with your POS Serial number value and it should be the equal value in all the configurations.
LatestImageTag - This config value to be filled with toolkit image tag.
Modify the docker-compose.yml as mentioned below.
Https enabled Toolkit Docker compose file.

Note! In the below docker-compose.yml content, __LatestImageTag__ & __PosSerialNumber__ are the place holders. Those values are need to be changed with your actual values to setup your POS device.

Here is the Toolkit Docker compose yml.

version: '3.4'
   image: egyptiantaxauthority/integrationtoolkit.api:__LatestImageTag__
   - "8020:80"
   - "8030:443"
   restart: always
   - DBHOST=sqlite3
   - ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80;
   - ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80;https://+:443;
   - ToolkitConfig__LocalConnectionsString=Data Source=/_data/LocalReceipts.db;
   - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__IdentityServiceUrl=
   - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__InvoicingServiceBaseUrl=
   - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__InvoicingServiceVersion=1
   - ToolkitConfig__EtaConfig__PosSerial=__PosSerialNumber__
   - ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=8030    - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=__YourCertificatePassword__    - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=__/https/YourCertificate.pfx__   volumes:
   - type: volume
    source: user_data
    target: /_data

Note! • Docker url also can run under https, but it is not mandatory to run under https.
• https enabled docker-compose.yml file observations:
   - "8030:443" - added
   - ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80;https://+:443; - added
   - ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=8030 - added
   - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=mypassword123 - added
   - ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/aspnetapp.pfx - added

Step 3:
Make sure Rancher desktop/Docker desktop is running, open the windows powershell from the IntegrationToolkit folder path and execute the following command

docker-compose up

Step 4:
Navigate to the below local path.


Other useful commands, which are related to https

dotnet dev-certs https --clean
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
dotnet dev-certs https --verbose

Stop container and close the application

docker-compose down

Rancher desktop project

Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem

Specific file can be copied TO the container:
docker cp sourcefile.txt container_id:/destinationfile.txt
Specific file can be copied FROM the container:
docker cp container_id:/sourcefile.txt destinationfile.txt

Using docker ps command we can find the toolkit container id, here in this example 21790a79a83a is the id of the toolkit container.

Example commands:
docker ps
docker cp 21790a79a83a:/_data/LocalReceipts.db LocalReceipts.db
docker cp source.txt 21790a79a83a:/_data/destination.txt

Remove all unused docker temporary content

It will remove all the unused containers, networks, images (both dangling and unreferenced), and optionally, volumes. docker system prune -a - Remove all unused images not just dangling ones

Docker inspect

It is a command that returns detailed, low-level information on Docker objects. Those objects can be docker images, containers, networks, volumes, plugins, etc. By default, docker inspect returns information in JSON format.
Usage: docker inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE…] Know more about docker commands.

Know more about other additional configurations

SQlite configuration
Toolkit configuration
 • Static configuration
 • Dynamic/Runtime configuration